Just don’t break the chain!

Pooya Eimandar
2 min readAug 22, 2020


Just don’t break the chain!

Since 2007, I’ve been working in the field of game developing. participating in several projects as a leader or developer, I’ve had my fair share of failure or disappointment as well as triumph and accomplishments. I’ve always tried to see failure as an integral part of the journey to success, and never lost sight of my goals and purposes. I tried my best to get to the top and tried even harder to stay at the top.

Today I want to share with you a topic that is most close to my heart; one that I’ve always found myself committed to, and that is to pass along knowledge and education to others. As I believe It’s the knowledge and wisdom gained from experience that are so valuable.

During these years, even from the beginning of my work experience, I have been always dedicated to what John Quincy Adams has put so adequately “If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader”.

That, somehow, has been my motto; to learn more and then to do more, even if it’s just a little extra hour of teaching some graphics programming, 3D software, or share the latest articles with a team member or a colleague. Funny how I’ve always perceived it as investment for the future generations and that the chain should not be broken.

I am a true believer in giving back as I strongly believe that if I teach one person something, then that person will definitely teach another one at some point, and this will eventually lead to the progress of our society.

Doing so I have two criteria, work ethic and inquisitiveness. Today, some of those people are studying in prestigious European or American universities, some are joined to reputable companies and some were or are with me in personal projects.

I would admit I was hard on them, even I fired some of them but I gave them a platform to be a part of a great experience in demanding projects and I stood by them along the way and I am very proud of their accomplishments.

This is what I have to say to anyone out there who wishes to make a difference:

Just don’t break the chain!


